Wednesday, October 01, 2008

No such number, no such zone...

When my supervisor gave me the directions for the house I am staying in here in la Laguna I did consider them just that: directions for how to get there. Which is why I have been saying (for two month now) every time someone asks me for the address of the house I’m staying in that I don’t have it. I did have some experience with Costa Rican addresses from last time I was here, but I honestly believed that those were special cases (one was, after all, a family living basically in the middle of nowhere up in the mountains in a coffee-growing distirct). Turns out that unless you live in the capital (or perhaps one of the bigger cities) all Costa Rican addresses go something like this:
The blue house, 200 m. from of the dairy which used to be called X, right before the turn opposite the big acacia tree, 4 km west from the town square of Y.
I must admit I am a littlebit sceptical, but I try to compare it to home and the fact that even if my parents’ house now has a streetname and number and postal code, it would probably be enough to simply write my name and Gaupne. Seeing as everybody knows everybody and the postman knows everyone, it would eventually end up in the right mailbox. So any mail to me here should be addressed to the neighbour, Marcos, who has lived here for a long time and seems to know and be known by a lot of people. He apparently gets his mail even with an address which to me sounds more or less improvised (he actually gave me several options for an address, but I am going to go with the one that more or less coincides with the directions I was given before coming here).
So here it goes, if anyone should feel like sending me anything, this is my current address:

co/ Marcos Enrique Zuñiga Araya

150 m. al norte de la fábrica Agrisol (antigua Dole)

Casa color vino

Laguna (Zarcero)
Alfaro Ruiz
Costa Rica

PS: Quite a few people should let me know their addresses, just in case I actually get around to sending any of the about 50 postcards I’ve bought so far…


H said...

Da skal jeg sende ting i posten til deg. Gir en lyd når det er sendt, så får du gi beskjed når det evt har kommet frem.

Selv så har jeg ikke nøkkel til postkassen, så jeg håper ikke det kommer noe dit for å si det sånn. Huseieren - som jeg ennå ikke har møtt - har hver gang jeg har ringt sagt at joda, neste uke kommer han nok og han har jo nummeret mitt så han ringer, og så har det skjedd hele ingenting. Jeg har jo trodd at han ville være interessert i husleie, men nei - ikke så langt i hvert fall. Nå har jeg gitt opp og tenker at han får ta kontakt selv, så får jeg heller leve uten internett og nøkkel til postkassen, og å bo gratis er helt greit for meg.
Sender adresse på e-post jeg.

-S- said...

Tykkjer null postkasse og internett mot null husleige hoyrest ut som eit ganske godt byte. Litt slik eg bur eigentleg...

H said...

Ja, man venner seg i hvertfall fort til det:-) Regner vel med at det kommer en regning til slutt, men enn så lenge kan jeg ikke si at det plager meg.