Monday, April 02, 2007


Easter is here already (how can it be Easter already?!) and we have ten days of holiday from the university. As it turns out, everybody I know has either gone home to spend the holiday with their family, or have visitors coming to Barcelona. Talked to some friends at home yesterday and they were all going to the same party (there's always a party for Easter) and I felt very left out. Started searching the internet and thought I had found really cheap tickets to go home to Norway, but today it turns out that the price was in euros, not kroner, so actually it wasn't cheap at all... And then there's the fact that the trip will take me forever. (The flight Barcelona-Oslo is the smallest problem, it's travelling in Norway that makes things complicated. Why did they have to put the capital and most of the international flights in a part of the country that is absolutely irrelevant to me?) So now I'm back to the original plan: spending Easter in Spain. At least I will have the opportunity to find out if Easter celebration in Spain is really very different from Easter celebration in Norway (which basically consists of going skiing or spendig a week on the sofa eating chocolate and reading detective stories).
I also found out not that long ago that I have two partial exams the week after Easter (11th and 13th). I would of course have been nice of our teachers to inform us of this a bit earlier, but since I don't think I would actually have started studying anyway I guess it doesn't really make a difference. Sooner or later I will have to start reading something, but I must admit that the idea of spending Easter in the library is not too appealing... Was considering a few days in Madrid, but the prices of the flights keep rising every minute, and I would prefer to go there with somebody else. Since Haldis has now promised to try to come and go with me in June I think I will stay in Catalunya. Maybe I can go on a daytrip or something inthe area and at least I can do a few of the things I have been wanting to do here in Barcelona. I have realized that I am only staying here for three more months, and am beginning to panic a bit. Too much to do, and too little time. Of course I have been here for seven months, but it's amazing how good I am at putting things off til the last minute... Will try to give an update on Easter celebration in Barcelona, and promise to try to put some photos here sooner or later (hopefully sooner than later).

PS: Today I have fixed the configuration (or whatever it's called) on my blog so that anyone, including people who don't have a blog themselves, can comment. Any language is OK!

1 comment:

H said...

Regner med at det blir en fin oppdatering om alt du har sett og gjort i påsken:-)